Accel建造New Manufacturing Facility in Port St. Lucie

Port St. Lucie, Florida (7月2日,2020年7月2日) - Accel International Holdings,Inc。,电线和有线制造商今天宣布,它已选择Port St. Lucie的东南佛罗里达州扩张。该公司将建设一个新的15万平方英尺的制造工厂,预计将在2021年之前产生125项新工作。这些就业机会将有47,000美元的预计平均工资。该设施将制造高性能电缆,电线和导线,供应与银,镍和镀锡铜和铜合金产品的航空航天,医疗,工业和电信市场。Accel成立于2006年,在康涅狄格州和印第安纳州运营了三种现代化的制造设施,包括450,000平方英尺的垂直综合工艺。该公司主要供应国内市场;但是,在加拿大,墨西哥和中国有国际活动。
“Accel’s expansion in Port St. Lucie is great news for Florida’s growing manufacturing sector,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Accel’s ability to create high-performance equipment will greatly benefit the aerospace, medical and telecommunications industries. We look forward to Accel’s employment contribution of 125 new jobs by 2021.”
“Enterprise Florida recognizes the benefits that business expansion have for both our economy and a company’s bottom line,” said Jamal Sowell, President & CEO of Enterprise Florida, Inc. “This is great timing and we look forward to Accel becoming a great community partner for long-term economic growth.”
“We are excited about our corporate expansion into Florida and anticipate a bright future for us and the city of Port St. Lucie. We hope bringing 125 new jobs by 2021 to Port St. Lucie during these difficult economic times will be a catalyst for other companies to do the same said Tim Cummings, CFO of Accel.
The Tradition Center for Commerce in Port St. Lucie is comprised of over 1,200 acres of prime industrial, office, retail, multi-family residential, recreational and entertainment property located on 4 miles of frontage along I-95 in the heart of southeast Florida.
“传统商业中心是Accel International Holding Storle公司的理想场所,”项目开发商新浪公司执行主席Malcolm新浪说。“他们正在加入一个相似创新的企业社区,代表成功的未来。”
With over 195,000 residents, Port St. Lucie is Florida’s seventh largest city by population (South Florida’s third largest city) and is ranked one of the top 10 safest cities in Florida.
“The City Council and I are proud to welcome Accel to their new home, and we look forward to our community and our organizations being made stronger by our collaboration. Accel is making a great neighborhood even better. Within a 15-minute walk, we will have Accel, TAMCO, Oculus Surgical, Keiser University, the Cleveland Clinic Tradition Hospital, the Cleveland Clinic Florida Research and Innovation Center and a Florida International University Biochemistry Laboratory. That’s a lot of innovation, leadership, capital investment and jobs in a one-mile stretch; and given that Accel is known for manufacturing the high-quality wire that goes into airplanes and rocket ships, I can’t help but point out that Accel is helping our Jobs Corridor take flight and providing another reminder that Port St. Lucie is a city on the rise” said Mayor Gregory J. Oravec.
The St. Lucie Economic Development Council (EDC) coordinated with Sina Companies, state and local partners at Enterprise Florida, the Department of Economic Opportunity, City of Port St. Lucie, and St. Lucie County to attract Accel to Port St. Lucie.
“这是公共和私营部门共同努力,以确保圣卢西岛作品的另一个优秀的例子,”圣卢西县委员会主席Cathy Townsend说。“看到我们县的经济发展势力令人令人放心。我们努力创造一个更好地付钱,熟练的劳动力工作的氛围。努力工作正在为我们的居民和我们的社区偿还。“
“圣卢西河港是南佛罗里达州南佛罗里达州的充满活力的业务中心,”圣卢西县经济发展委员会主席Pete Tesch表示。“我们激动人心于加权国际控股公司,公司已经认识到我们的主要位置,创新精神和特殊的劳动力在为这一重大的新扩张中选择我们。”
St. Lucie County has the requisite location, business environment and workforce to be one of the best performing communities in the nation, marking growth of over 40 percent since 2000. With extensive international transportation linkages, the area economy is a blend of emerging life science R&D with traditional manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and services.
关于Accel International Holdings,Inc。
Accel is a premier manufacturer of high-performance conductors serving the aerospace, medical, industrial and computer marketplace with silver-plated, nickel-plated and tin-plated copper and copper alloy products. Established in 2006, Accel is a privately-owned company with three manufacturing locations in Connecticut and Indiana, serving the domestic marketplace with international activity in Canada, Mexico and China.
- Southeast Florida